I found a Federal 990 vintage sewing machine at a local Habitat for Humanity Restore. I did extensive research about the model and have listed details below. Federal 990 is a store branded machine. Before we can discuss the machine, we have to talk about the store. Federal department store was a discount retailer founded […]

Below, I’ve provided a Singer 404 review along with a parts list for your convivence. If you’ve already seen my YouTube video, you can skip the review and jump straight down to the parts list highlighted in green. I don’t know who the designer of the 400 series was. But, it sure is ugly. Singer […]

It is hard to find information about Dial N Sew models because of the way they were acquired and distributed. However, I have been fortunate enough to find a Dial N Sew 750 out in the wild. The 750 is identical to Dial N Sew 732, 752, and 742 with the exception of one thing. […]

I will be discussing  Singer Sewhandy Model 20 Sewing Machine. So, buckle up 🙂 Note: At the end of this article, there is a parts list for Singer 20.  Where Did Singer Model 20 began? Singer started production on Singer 20-1 in 1910. The sewing machine had a 4 spoken handwheel and no tension disks.  […]

Antique Singer Sewing Machine Model 15 was an improved version of the Family sewing machine, which was made in 1879. It remained in production for over a hundred years and saw a number of upgrades during it’s manufacturing life span. The rich history of the 15 makes me so excited to share what I learned […]