When & How to Sell My Sewing Machine

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I once found myself asking how and when to sell my sewing machine. There are a few things to consider before making a very difficult decision on how and when to sell your sewing machine.

Let’s start with the How

The best thing to do is create a local classified advertisement for a sewing machine.

sell my sewing machine


Sites like Ebay are rampant with fraud. Fraudulent buyers make purchases and claim something is wrong with their item.When this happens, Ebay requires the seller spend money on return shipping for the customer. However, the seller does not always receive the same product they sent to the customer!

The seller then has to call overseas Ebay customer service representatives and spend countless hours trying to get money back. Most times, Ebay sides with the fraudster.

Personally, I had a situation and spent a month trying to get it resolved. Once the problem was resolved with Ebay. The fraudulent customer filed a claim with Paypal. I won the Paypal case too. However, my account was frozen until the situation was resolved. It is not only a hassle to deal with online sales on expensive items, but it is costly! Ebay charges 10% in seller fees. Others, also charge high percentages to sell.

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When you ask the question, “How should I sell my sewing machine?” This is the advice I’d give…

  • Use Offer Up, Craigslist, or some other local classified advertisement.
  • List a Google voice phone number so you can hear the voice of your buyer and feel them out before you decide to meet with them.
  • Bring a friend/relative with you.
  • Do not accept digital currency as it is very simple for a customer to dispute the purchase with their bank, card company, or digital system. They could cheat and you would be out a machine (as most companies automatically side with the buyer). It is costly to dispute claims. It takes your time and you have to pay a bank to investigate your case. As a rule of thumb, don’t deal in digital money. USE CASH.
  • Discuss the pick-up strategy with your buyer before-hand. “I’m going to pop-the trunk and let you look at the machine. Give me the money and then you can take the machine.”
  • Are you afraid to sell a machine off Craigslist? Strategize!!! Pop the trunk. Crack your window to receive the money. Once money is in hand, allow the buyer to gather the sewing machine from the trunk of your vehicle.  In this process, you’ll never have to come in direct contact with the customer. If something goes wrong, you can simply drive off.

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Now, its time to get into the question of “When should I sell my sewing machine?”

Do you need the money?

There are plenty of people strapped for cash. However, cash shouldn’t be the only reason why you sell a sewing machine. In fact, a sewing machine can be used to make extra cash! Sewing is something in high demand right now (May 2020). Therefore, you won’t find too many getting rid of a sewing machine unless they don’t plan on using it.

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Are you not going to use the sewing machine?

In this case, it is better given to another person who will use it. Sewing machines are an essential survival tool, because everyone needs to be able to mend their cloths. Why would you leave a sewing machine collecting dust, when there are so many who need one?


Do you have enough space to keep the sewing machine? For those who have this problem, usually there are multiple sewing machines laying around. I’d say always keep 1 main sewing machine and 1 back-up to use when the other is in the shop or not working. For anything beyond the two, you should be saying, “ Yes. I should sell my sewing machine.”

Are sewing machines in demand?

Several months ago (as of November 2019), sewing machines were not in very great demand. In fact, most youth thought sewing was just a hobby for grandmothers. However, 2020 hit and suddenly everyone wanted a sewing machine.

Stores like Sewing Machines Plus, Fabric.com, and other sewing related businesses got swamped with orders. Micheal’s also had sewing machines on back order.

This became the ideal time for sewing machine collectors to unload extra machines. It was just a small way to help others who couldn’t find an affordable sewing machine after the lock down. Please, let me know your thoughts in the comments 🙂

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