
Ever Wondered How to Sharpen Fabric Scissors & Rotary Blades?

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Have you ever wondered how to sharpen fabric scissors and rotary blades? If so, you’ve come to the right place.  A number of high-end scissors companies offer sharpening services, but mailing scissors can be a daunting tasks. Plus, scissors sharpening isn’t free.

Likewise, rotary cutter blades are quite expensive. For this reason, it is a necessity to extend the life of your blades for long as possible. 

*To watch the YouTube video on how to sharpen your scissors & rotary blades, simply click the image above.

How to Sharpen Fabric Scissors

You can either use a Sharpening Stone or desktop sharpening tool to sharpen your fabric scissors.

Sharpening Stone Method

CAUTION: Must have oil.

You must oil your scissors to keep them in good working order, especially near the midpoint screw. Once per month is a good rule of thumb. To oil your scissors, take an oil (like olive or grape seed) and put a small amount onto a paper towel or rag. Rub the oil into your scissors. Then, let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe away the excess.

To sharpen your scissors, you will need to add honing oil or simply coat the blades with an oil of your choice (like olive oil). This will dissipate frictional and allow you to get a smooth sharpened edge.

Place the sharpening stone on a flat, non-slip surface.

Make the flat edge of your scissors parallel with the sharpening stone. Run the scissors over the sharpening stone from back to front five times. Then, if there is an angled edge on your scissors, make the angle parallel with the sharpening stone and repeat the process.  Then, do the opposite leg of the scissors.

Get a test sheet.

Get a piece of scrap cotton fabric. Cut it.

Not satisfied with the sharpness?

Repeat the process of sharpening your scissors.

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Wondering how often you should sharpen the fabric scissors?

I only sharpen my scissors when they start getting dull. However, once per year is a good rule of thumb. In addition to using the sharpening stone, I occasionally cut aluminum foil with the scissors to help keep the blades sharpened.

Desktop Sharpening Tool Method

This is the most simple method of them all. To sharpen your fabric shears, simply put the blades of your shears into the device and pull them towards you with a cutting motion. Note: You don’t need to bear down hard to get the scissors to sharpen.

Rotary Cutter Blade Sharpener Method

For sharpening your rotary cutter blades, you’ll first want open the circular part of the rotary blade sharpener. This circular piece has a post side and a side that screws into the post. Set this aside. Then, remove carefully remove the post from your rotary cutter.

Once your post is removed, you’ll place the post end of your rotary cutter blade sharpener into your rotary tool. Carefully, flip the rotary tool over so your blade now rest on top of the post end. Now, remove your rotary tool and screw the other circular piece into the post.

Place a few drops of water onto the sandpaper, which is on both sides of the rotary blade sharpener. Then, place your blade inside and rotate around 15 times on each side.


Great! I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial .

Originally posted August 2020  & Last Updated December 2022

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  1. Denise Williams says:

    Thank you for the information. I enjoyed you read this article… and watching your You tube videos. PS I have subscribed!!!

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