This is my short analysis of four beginner sewing machines. It is good to start off with a cheaper machine. This will allow you to try a new hobby without breaking the bank. Brother LX3817 comes in three different colors. Blue Grey White It has a top loading horizontal bobbin, which means you will be able […]

A lot of folks want to know where to buy a sewing machine. But, I hesitate to tell you where to buy a sewing machine for one simple reason. It causes everyone to shop at the same place and look for the same thing. In the past, I’ve been guilty of sharing specific sewing machine […]

Below, I’ve provided a Singer 404 review along with a parts list for your convivence. If you’ve already seen my YouTube video, you can skip the review and jump straight down to the parts list highlighted in green. I don’t know who the designer of the 400 series was. But, it sure is ugly. Singer […]

In order to find a good second hand sewing machine, you need to know what to look for. I have created a YouTube video on the topic and have also written an extensive guide below. Before buying a machine, you need to know… …the main tasks you would like to complete on the sewing machine. […]

It is hard to find information about Dial N Sew models because of the way they were acquired and distributed. However, I have been fortunate enough to find a Dial N Sew 750 out in the wild. The 750 is identical to Dial N Sew 732, 752, and 742 with the exception of one thing. […]