One Quick Tip on How To Sew Grow Bags For Your Garden

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If you’d like one quick tip on how to sew grow bags for your garden, then you’ve come to the right place. Please, read below to learn what is a little different about this particular grow bag. Also, take a look at my in-depth YouTube video on how to quickly sew these plant bags for your own garden.


90% of store bought grow bags are made from either polypropylene or felt. However, I’ve found polypropylene bags only last a few seasons before they start to break down. You may have better luck with using polypropylene bags than myself, so here is an Amazon link (Polypropylene Landscape Fabric).


Since I don’t have the time or money to constantly re-buy bags, I spent time looking for a better solution. The best solution I’ve found has been to use felt. While felt is a great material for grow bags, the store bought felt bags are quite pricey for those who plant in large quantities. Here are links to all of the grow bags I have found and used with great success.

Expensive Grow Bag Solution

Since felt grow bags were too expensive for the sheer volume of plants I needed to grow,  I searched for felt fabric instead. But, the felt fabric costed almost as much as it would to just buy bags ready-made. So, I had to find another material.

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In some tutorials, folks used canvas. I thought it was a wonderful idea and decided to pick up some canvas painters drop cloth from my local hard ware store. Here is an Amazon link to some canvas painters drop cloth for your convenience.

Yes, I did get a little less fabric than I would with purchasing polypropylene landscape fabric. However, the cost difference was quite worth it because the fabric is more durable and can be dropped into the washing machine at the end of my planting season. While using canvas is a great tip, it isn’t the quick tip I wanted to share!

#1 Quick Tip On How To Sew Grow Bags

I looked for tutorials on how to sew grow bags of my own. Unfortunately, all of them were round. Round grow bags are nice. However, they take forever and a day to make in big batches. Instead of spending all day sewing, I wanted to spend all day in the garden. So, I decided to make a square planter.

Yes, my quick tip is to cut the fabric into a cross and sew up the ends to make a square planter. Yes, I know it seems lame and makes no sense typed out. If you haven’t already, please take a look at my in-depth YouTube video on how to quickly sew these plant bags for your own garden.

Grow Files

I have created a free grow bag pattern in the 3 gallon size. To receive your free pattern, subscribe to my weekly newsletter. In addition to getting this free fabric swatch template, you’ll gain access to a library of free downloadable files. 


Are you already subscribed? If so, you can get the fabric swatch by accessing the free downloads library.

Originally posted May 2022 & Last Updated May 2024

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