What is The Best Bobbin Organizer Option for You?

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If you are looking for the best bobbin organizer option, you’ve come to the right place because this article is all about helping you find the right bobbin storage method for you!

bobbin organizer

The traditional bobbin organizer is meh

The most common bobbin organizer is the little plastic box you get at any craft store. The clear plastic box isn’t good because hinges break very quickly. Once the hinges break, you have to use a rubber band to keep bobbins secured inside. Since it’s super irritating to remove this rubber band every time you’d like to get a bobbin , you’ll find yourself purchasing another plastic box – another one, and another one.

In addition to the flimsy nature of the plastic box, you’ll find limited bobbin capacity drives you to buy a whole stack of plastic boxes to house all your bobbins. It really does suck to wade thru boxes to find the mate to your thread spool!

Variations on traditional plastic boxes are still a box.

There have been a few variations on the box design for improvement.

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1.The box with a hole for hook storage and a better hinge.

This box has a hole in it so you can store it on a hook. In addition to the hole, there is padding in-between each bobbin. The padding stops thread unraveling and protects each bobbin from damage. Padding is good, but extra padding means you cannot store as many bobbins.

In addition to padding, the bobbin case has a soft plastic hinge less prone to snapping. A soft plastic hing does last longer than the traditional hard plastic/ metal kind. However, soft plastic hings always break after a few years. The worse part about this kind of box is its latches. The latches feel super cheap and many online reviewers complain of them breaking.

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2. The box designed like a CD or DVD storage case

The CD storage case styled box is solid colored so you cannot see the bobbins inside. It has a zipper and padding to protect each bobbin from damage. If you’ve just got 60 bobbins or less, this case is wonderful for protecting your bobbins from dust and damage. Otherwise, I’d look elsewhere because the non-clear aspect to this box would make you have to unzip each case to find the right bobbin. In addition to the case not being transparent, it is quite bulky. No lie. It is a DVD case with a zipper.

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This bobbin peg board came from Hobby Lobby. It holds 40 spools.

Thread & bobbin case together makes finding things easy.

Most sewing enthusiasts graduate from plastic box bobbin storage to placing all thread and bobbins on a peg board. The bobbin is secured to its matching thread spool with a rubber band. Or, a plastic straw is used to extend length on each peg so both bobbin and thread spool fit.

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Unity, between bobbin and thread spool, is great.

However, there is one flaw to using this system, dust. Dust collects on both bobbin and thread. It isn’t too much of a problem on a thread spool because the spool sits outside of your machine. However, dust is much bigger problem when it rests on a bobbin because the bobbin lives inside of your sewing machine.

Some remedy this problem by using a bobbin hugger to hold the bobbin thread in place and prevent dust from gathering. This could be a solution for you. Or, it may feel like too much hassle.

Nancy Zieman Clover Stack n Store

Clover Stack n Store is a bobbin tower with a star shaped base. The tower base holds individual stars that have 5 bobbins on them a piece. Altogether, you can hold 30 bobbins or 6 stars on 1 tower.  In reviews, many love the Clover Stack n Store because it has a built-in bobbin hugging mechanism for protecting thread from dust and preventing unraveling. They also like being able to turn the tower for finding the correct thread. The tower is a great option for those with a lot of desktop space because it allows you to simply turn the tower to find the correct bobbin color. However, I wouldn’t recommend this bobbin organization method to anyone who lacks desktop space.

This bobbin saver has a removable magnetic pin cushion in the center. It came from Tuesday Morning. But, there are plenty of similar bobbin savers elsewhere.

Rounds are a cool bobbin organizer option.

Round bobbin storage seemed so cool when it first came out. Since the soft silicon hugs each bobbin, thread doesn’t go anywhere. The rounds can be easily thrown into a drawer and life moves on. Or, the rounds can be hung on a hook in the sewing room. The main problem with this bobbin storage method is its shape. A round shape means you can store less bobbins than other methods allow. Plus, it is difficult to store round bobbin organizer cases in a draw because round objects don’t nest together. Did i mention price? Rounds aren’t cheap once you consider how many you’ll need to buy!

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Enter square bobbin organizers.

Square bobbin organizers nest together well and hold up to 60 bobbins each. This means you can store all bobbins inside a square, throw it in a drawer and be done with it. I’ve replaced all my bobbin storage with this method because it is easy store and holds a lot of bobbins. So far, there hasn’t been any downsides. The square is good because it:

  • hugs bobbins so thread doesn’t unravel
  • holds a lot of bobbins (up to 60)
  • nests together with other square bobbin organizers or even other items inside a drawer
  • has a compact design
  • provides no latches, zippers, or other devices to tackle
  • protects bobbins because you can turn the case right side down to shelter thread from dust + silicon protects against bobbin damage

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What is your favorite method for storing bobbins? Please, let me know down in the comments.

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  1. Katie King says:

    I love my round Grabbit from Wawak so much I bought the 66-square one. The silicone or whatever it is holds the robins snuggly so the thread ends aren’t getting caught on my sleeve every time I pick a new color.

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