Let’s Talk About Mean Green White 675 Sewing Machine

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White 675 Sewing machine is one of the few green sewing machine models made by the company. The majority  of their other models were blue/teal/white. While this sewing machine follows the harvest yellow and pea green trend of the 1960’s and early 70’s, it remains like other White sewing machines in parts and accessories.

White 675 Sewing Machine 2

White 675 sewing machine is a standard low shank machine with 8 main stitches.

It fits into a Singer cabinet just as other Japanese class 15 sewing machines. Plus, it takes the standard Singer class 15 bobbins. Since White 675 sewing machine is a standard low shank class 15, you’ll find it quite easy to pick up accessories online. I’ve listed a few common sewing machine presser feet and other accessories below.



Invisible zipper

Blind Hem

Walking foot

Bobbin case

Needle plate

White 675 sewing machine was made during the prime of quality craftsmanship.

It shows in the quality of the build and also in its popularity. Popularity means a lot when it comes to buying vintage sewing machines. Since this sewing machine was very popular in its prime, it is very easy to find manuals and other things you might need for the machine.

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The manual is very easy to find online.

Here is a link to the manual. The manual just contains basic information on how to thread the machine and achieve various stitches. If you don’t purchase the manual, however, it won’t matter too much because the sewing machine is very easy to thread.


This sewing machine threads just like any other Japanese branded machine, from right to left. I’ve listed a video from TJ Sews where she demonstrates how to thread very similar sewing machine. Plus, I’ve provided a sewing machine threading illustration, courtesy of Ismacs.net. I hope this brief article about White 675 was useful.

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  1. Veronica says:

    Thank you for this article! It’s Jan 2019 now, and last year, I was blessed with one of these rare babies. I learned sewing on an industrial machine and I found other home machines have been so flimsy and fussy. I love the craftsmanship of this machine! It feels durable like my industrial machine at work, with more stitch choices! Even though it is heavy as H# to pick up (lol)! I just opened it today to try using it, after wrestling with my Singer that started having tension issues in the middle of a project! I can smell the 70’s on it this machine! I hope to keep it for a long time! Your info was very helpful! I thought I’d never find anything on this model when I opened the case and saw how old it was!

  2. Robin M Pettit says:

    I just got one of these working. It has been sitting idle for about 25 years. I inherited it from my Mom who did a lot of home sewing and worked in a sewing factory for Leslie Fay, her specialty area was applique. She liked this machine a lot.

  3. Robin M Pettit says:

    She was a wonderful person to me. Leslie Fay would still pay her for her opinions to improve applique designs for their products even after she retired.

  4. Shoshanah Altman-Shafer says:

    Thank you so muck for this article! I was given this sewing machine from my great-grandmother and I was having a very hard time finding any information.

  5. Alicia says:

    I just got one of these from my mother nlaw and the needle gets stuck alot but i am willing to part with it just yet. What is the estimated value of this model??

    • Thimble says:

      Currently, I see them go in the $100 range. But, these machines are worth a lot more money! Someday, they will be in demand.

  6. marsha kellams says:

    I picked mu up at a Goodwill here, had manual and attchments, in a cabinet for $15.00 I guess it was a good find. For some reason I’m very intimidated by it.

  7. Kym says:

    I have acquired one of these great machines. I can’t wait to use it. I have one question, is it just a zigzag or will it sew a straight stitch as well? Would like to know before I send it off for repairs and a good cleaning. I cannot find any info on it.

  8. Veronica says:

    I would like to know more about the settings for straight stitch. The manual referenced here is not good quality, i found it free sometime agoit is hard to read! Can you expand more in this article about the machine?

  9. Nancy Heil says:

    I have a White 675 sewing machine that I received in 1974 as a high school graduation present. I use it all the time and it still works like a champ. I love this machine!!

  10. Michelle Gibbs says:

    Nancy Heil – i need lessons! I’ve inherited this beauty from my great Aunt. I want to learn to sew on it.

  11. Tammy says:

    I bought White model 675 for $5 at goodwill. Needed a cleaning and I need a manual but can’t find one Good on, any help would be wonderful.

    • Thimble says:

      The manuals for these vintage machines are very lacking because 1) They were made by English speakers pre- google translate. 2) Everyone was expected to already know how to sew and use the sewing machines of the time.3) There was no expectation for people to still be using these machines in 2022, while searching for replacement parts. I would love to get my hands on a 675 so I could create an updated manual with color photos but haven’t found one yet. The best advice would be to splurge on the manual from sewing parts or download a free singer class 15 manual from online. The Singer 15 manual wont tell you everything but it will give you info on the basics about how to thread and so forth.

  12. Regina Shaw says:

    The manuals for white sewing machines are available on the singer website. Enter just your model number. I’m refurbishing a White 844 clone for my daughter, so I entered 844 at singer and got the original user manual. Unfortunately finding a repair/service manual is far more difficult, but older manuals do have a bit of information for simple repairs and maintenance. Hope this helps!

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